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High Quality Paper Writing



题目:High Quality Paper Writing

摘要:High quality publication is an important metric to most of us (faculty members, especially PhD students). Many passionate young researchers lack of experience of reaching their goals. In this talk, we would like to discuss this from different perspectives as an editor, a reviewer, and an author: the key is persuasive writing with evidence. Hoping this talk to shed a bit light for ambitious hard-working young researchers.


Shui Yu is a Professor of School of Computer Science, University of Technology Sydney, Australia. Dr Yu’s research interest includes Security and Privacy, Networking, Big Data, and Mathematical Modelling. He has published two monographs and edited two books, more than 300 technical papers, including top journals and top conferences, such as IEEE TPDS, TC, TIFS, TMC, TKDE, TETC, ToN, and INFOCOM. Dr Yu initiated the research field of networking for big data in 2013. His h-index is 40. He is currently serving a number of prestigious editorial boards, including IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (Area Editor), IEEE Communications Magazine. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, a member of AAAS and ACM, and a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Communication Society.


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