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[1]Wuying Liu.Supervised Ensemble Learning for Vietnamese Tokenization.International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems. Vol. 25, No. 2 (2017) 285-299.

[2]Wuying Liu, Lin Wang.Vietnamese Multisyllabic-Word Extraction for Word Segmentation.International Journal of Asian Language Processing.2017.

[3]Sancheng Peng, Guojun Wang, Yongmei Zhou, Cong Wan, Cong Wang, Shui Yu, and Jianwei Niu. An Immunization Framework for Social Networks through Big Data Based Influence Modeling. Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2017. (IF: 4.41)

[4]Sancheng Peng, Yongmei Zhou, Lihong Cao, Shui Yu, Jianwei Niu, and Weijia Jia. Influence Analysis in Social Networks: A Survey. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2018, 106:17-32. (IF: 3.991)  

[5]Sancheng Peng, Shui Yu, Peter Mueller. Social networking big data: Opportunities, solutions, and challenges. Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 86, 2018, pp. 1456-1458. (IF: 4.639)

[6]Sancheng Peng, Guojun Wang, Dongqing Xie. Social Influence Analysis in Social Networking Big Data: Opportunities and Challenges. IEEE Network, 2017, 31(1): 11-17. (IF: 7.197)

[7]Mei Wang, Meng Xiao, Sancheng Peng*, Guohua Liu. A hybrid index for temporal big data. Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 72, July 2017, pp. 264-272. (IF: 4.639)


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