2008-2012 英国布理斯托大学 应用语言学,博士
2006-2007 英国剑桥大学 英语及应用语言学,硕士
2001-2004 中国矿业大学 英语语言文学,硕士
1997-2001 哈尔滨工业大学 英语,本科
2014年5月-至今 广东外语外贸大学外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心,云山青年学者
2013年6月-至今 广东外语外贸大学外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心, 博士后研究员
2012年3月-2014年5月 中国科学院大学外语系,讲师
2001年7月-2005年9月 中国矿业大学外文学院,教师
[1]Yuan-shan Chen, Wei Ren, Chih-Ying Lin. (invited, to be published in 2016) Research Timeline for English as a Lingua Franca. Language Teaching. SSCI
[2]Wei Ren. (in progress). Identity construction in radio-mediated responses to callers’ complaints, in Xinren Chen (ed.), Politeness Phenomena across Chinese Genres: A Variationist Approach. Equinox.
[3]Wei Ren. (in progress). Pragmatics and politeness in Chinese graduate students’ gratitude emails in English, in Zhichang Xu and Deyuan He (eds.), Researching Chinese English: The State of the Art. Springer.
[4]Wei Ren. (submitted). Sociopragmatic variability in Variational Pragmatics: Refusals in Mainland and Taiwan Chinese, in Kate Beeching and Helen Woodfield (eds.), Researching Sociopragmatic Variability: Implications for the classroom. Palgrave.
[5]Wei Ren. (forthcoming). Preemptive and Remedial Strategies for Problems of Understanding in Chinese University Students’ ELF Emails. in Yuan-shan Chen and D. Victoria Rau (eds.), Chinese University Students’ Email Discourse in Academia: An ELF Pragmatic Perspective, Springer.
[6]Jianda Liu, Wei Ren. (forthcoming). Apologies in Emails: Interactions between Chinese EFL Learners and Their Foreign Peers. in Yuan-shan Chen and D. Victoria Rau (eds.), Chinese University Students’ Email Discourse in Academia: An ELF Pragmatic Perspective, Springer.
[7]Wei Ren. A Longitudinal investigation into L2 learners’ cognitive processes during study abroad. Applied Linguistics. 2014. 35(5), 575-594. SSCI
Wei Ren. Can the Expanding Circle Own English? Comments on Yoo’s “Nonnative Teachers in the Expanding Circle and the Ownership of English”. Applied Linguistics. 2014. 35(2), 208-212. SSCI
[8]Wei Ren. Review of Thanking Formulae in English. 2014. LinguistList.
[9]Wei Ren. The effect of the study abroad on the pragmatic development in internal modification of refusals.Pragmatics. 2013. 23(4), 715-741. SSCI
[10]Wei Ren. Review of Making Requests by Chinese EFL Learners, 2013, Multilingua, 32 (5). 719-722. SSCI
[11]Wei Ren. A comprehensive introduction to conversation analysis. 2013, Pragmatics Review, 1(2).
[12]Wei Ren, Chih-Ying Lin, Helen Woodfield. Variational Pragmatics in Chinese: Some insights from an empirical study, in Istvan Kecskes and Jesus Romero-Trillo (eds.), Research Trends in Intercultural Pragmatics. 2013, Mouton de Gruyter. 283-314.
[13]Wei Ren. Pragmatic development in Chinese speakers’ L2 English refusals, EUROSLA Yearbook, 2012, 63-87
[14]Chih-Ying Lin, Helen Woodfield, Wei Ren. Compliments in Taiwan and Mainland Chinese: The influence of region and compliment topic, Journal of Pragmatics, 2012, 1486-1502. SSCI
[15]Wei Ren. Review of Interlanguage Request Modification. 2012, LinguistList.
[16]Wei Ren. Review of Context, Individual Differences and Pragmatic Competence. 2012, LinguistList.
[17]Wei Ren. Review of Request Strategies A Comparative Study in Mandarin Chinese and Korean, 2010,Sociolinguistic Studies, 4(3), 669-672
[18]Wei Ren. Review of Investigating Pragmatics in Foreign Language Learning, Teaching and Testing, 2009, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 31(4), 653-654. SSCI
[19]Wei Ren. Review of Politeness in Mexico and the United States, 2009, Sociolinguistic Studies, 3(1), 99-102
[20]Wei Ren. Review of Doing Pragmatics (3rd Ed.), 2009, Language Learning Journal, 37(1), 129-130
[1]Wei Ren. “Pragmatics teaching in English as a Lingua Franca”, paper presented in the 7th International conference on English Language Teaching in China, Nanjing, China, October 2014
[2]Wei Ren. “Pragmatic Strategies for Problems of Understanding in Chinese University Students’ ELF Emails”, paper presented in the 17th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Brisbane, Australia, August 2014
[3]Wei Ren. “Pragmatic strategies in Chinese professionals’ emails in intercultural communication”, Paper presented in the sixth English as a Lingua Franca Conference, Rome, September 2013
[4]Wei Ren. “A longitudinal investigation into Chinese speakers’ L2 English refusals”, Paper presented in the thirteenth Chinese Association of Pragmatics Conference, Hangzhou, China, July 2013
[5]Wei Ren. “Comparison between Multimedia Elicitation Tasks and Oral Discourse Completion Tasks”, Paper presented in American Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Conference, Dallas, March 2013
[6]Helen Woodfield, Wei Ren, Chih-Ying Lin. “Retrospective verbal reports in speech act research: exploring learner perception of production”, Paper presented in American Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Conference, Boston, March 2012
[7]Wei Ren. “L2 Pragmatic Development of Chinese Speakers of English in an ESL context”, Paper presented in the 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Beijing, August 2011
[8]Wei Ren. “Variational Pragmatics in Chinese refusals”, Paper presented in I-Mean Conference II, University of West England, UK, April 2011
[9]Wei Ren. “A Longitudinal Investigation on L2 Pragmatic Development of Chinese Speakers of English”, Paper presented in American Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Conference 2011, Chicago, March 2011
[10]Wei Ren, Chih-Ying Lin, Helen Woodfield. “Variational Pragmatics in Chinese: Some Insights from an Empirical Study”, Paper presented in the 4th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication, Madrid, Spain, November, 2010
[11]Wei Ren. “L2 Pragmatic Development of Chinese Speakers of English in an ESL Context”, the 20th Annual Conference of European Second Language Acquisition, Reggio Emilia, Italy, Sept 2010
[2]国家社会基金青年项目,“读后续写与打造高效的外语学习方法研究”(14CYY018) ,第二参与。
[3]国家社科基金青年项目,“英语国际语视角下高校学生跨文化交际能力提升研究”(13CYY030). 主持。
[4]教育部留学人员回国科研启动基金, “中国学生网络跨文化交际能力提升研究”.主持。
[5]中国科学院大学校长基金A,“学习环境与语用能力”(Y25101FY00). 主持。
优秀博士, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, University of Bristol, 2012;
国际会议资助, The Alumni Foundation Committee, University of Bristol, 2011;
博士奖学金, 欧洲二语习得协会, 2010。
担任International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism、TEXT&TALK、System审稿人。