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[1]Wuying Liu, Lin Wang. Transfer Building of Multiword Expression Resource from Indonesian to Malay. The 24th International Conference on Asian Lang uage Processing (IALP) Proceedings, P299–304. December 4-6, 2020, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
[2]胡富茂, 王琳, 刘伍颖. 信息技术专利汉英语块库构建及应用研究. 解放军外国语学院学报, 43(5):29–37, 2020.
[3]王琳, 刘伍颖. 基于关键体词抽取的韩国语自动文摘. 中文信息学报, 33(6):50–56, 2019.
[4]王琳, 刘伍颖. 马来语领域多词组无监督识别. 中国科学技术大学学报, 49(7):517–523, 2019.
[5]Junting Yu, Wuying Liu, Hongye He, Lin Wang. Automatic Meta-Evaluation of Low-Resource Machine Translation Evaluation Metrics. The 23rd International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP) Proceedings, P136–141. November 15-17, 2019, Shanghai, China.
[6]Hongyan Zhang, Lin Wang, Wuying Liu. A Case Study of Schema-based Categorized Definition Modes in Chinese Dictionaries. The 20th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW) Proceedings, P509–516. June 27-30, 2019, Beijing, China.
[7]刘伍颖, 王琳. 面向高效越南语分词的有监督集成学习框架. 小型微型计算机系统, 39(6):1213–1217, 2018.
[8]刘伍颖, 王琳. 越南语分词词典半监督集成构建算法. 郑州大学学报, 50(1):60–65, 2018.
[9]刘伍颖, 张兴. 基于自然句法标记的日汉机器翻译架构. 山西大学学报, 41(1):61–69, 2018.
[10]刘伍颖. 服务21世纪海上丝绸之路的低资源语言处理. 广东外语外贸大学学报, 29(3):77–82, 2018.
[11]Wuying Liu, Lixian Xiao, Shengyi Jiang, Lin Wang. Language Resource Extension for Indonesian-Chinese Machine Translation. The 22nd International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP) Proceedings, P221–225. November 15-18, 2018, Bandung, Indonesia.
[12]王琳, 刘伍颖. 译介术语演化分析. 中国科技术语, 20(4):10–13, 2018.
[13]赵修文, 刘伍颖, 李甫玉, 黄心怡. 基于音频指纹特征的高效音乐检索方法. 武警工程大学学报, 34(4):27–32, 2018.
[14]Wuying Liu. Supervised Ensemble Learning for Vietnamese Tokenization. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 25(2):285–299, 2017.
[15]于俊婷, 何宏业, 刘伍颖, 易绵竹. 基于同义词词林的平滑BLEU研究. 郑州大学学报, 49(2):54–59, 2017.
[16]Wuying Liu, Lin Wang. Fast-Syntax-Matching-based Japanese-Chinese Limited Machine Translation. The 5th Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing (NLPCC) Proceedings, P621–630. December 2-6, 2016, Kunming, China.
[17]Wuying Liu, Lin Wang. How does Dictionary Size Influence Performance of Vietnamese Word Segmentation? The 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC) Proceedings, P1079–1083. May 23-28, 2016, Portorož, Slovenia.
[18]Junting Yu, Wuying Liu, Hongye He, Mianzhu Yi. BLEUS-syn: Cilin-Based Smoothed BLEU. The 12th China Workshop on Machine Translation (CWMT) Proceedings, P102–112. August 25-26, 2016, Urumqi, China.
[19]张兴, 刘伍颖. 基于平假名Token的快速日本语句法匹配. 山西大学学报, 38(4):567–572, 2015.
[20]Wenjun Du, Wuying Liu, Junting Yu, Mianzhu Yi. Russian-Chinese Sentence-level Aligned News Corpus. The 18th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT) Proceedings, P213. May 11-13, 2015, Antalya, Turkey.
[21]Wuying Liu, Lin Wang, Mianzhu Yi, Nan Xie. Active Multi-Field Learning for Spam Filtering. Computing and Informatics, 33(6):1400–1427, 2014.
[22]Wuying Liu, Lin Wang, Mianzhu Yi. Simple-Random-Sampling-Based Multiclass Text Classification Algorithm. The Scientific World Journal, 2014(Article ID 517498), 2014.
[23]Wuying Liu, Li Lin. Probabilistic Ensemble Learning for Vietnamese Word Segmentation. The 37th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR) Proceedings, P931–934. July 6-11, 2014, Gold Coast, Australia.
[24]王琳, 刘伍颖, 梁晓波. 英汉双向哲学社科术语词典系统设计与实现. 中国科技术语, 16(2):18–21, 2014.
[25]刘剑, 唐慧丰, 刘伍颖. 一种基于统计技术的中文术语抽取方法. 中国科技术语, 16(5):10–14, 2014.
[26]刘伍颖, 易绵竹, 张兴. 一种时空高效的多类别文本分类算法. 山东大学学报, 48(11):99–104, 2013.
[27]Wuying Liu, Lin Wang, Mianzhu Yi. Power Law for Text Categorization. The 12th China National Conference on Computational Linguistics (CCL) Proceedings, P131–143. October 10-11, 2013, Suzhou, China.
[28]Fei Zhang, Wuying Liu, Yude Bi. Review on WordNet-based Ontology Construction in China. International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, 6(2):630–647, 2013.
[29]刘伍颖, 王挺. 结构化集成学习垃圾邮件过滤. 计算机研究与发展, 49(3):628–635, 2012.
[30]Wuying Liu, Ting Wang. Online Active Multi-Field Learning for Efficient Email Spam Filtering. Knowledge and Information Systems, 33(1):117–136, 2012.
[31]Wuying Liu, Ting Wang. Utilizing Multi-Field Text Features for Efficient Email Spam Filtering. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 5(3):505–518, 2012.
[32]刘伍颖, 王挺. 集成学习和主动学习相结合的个性化垃圾邮件过滤. 计算机工程与科学, 33(9):34–41, 2011.
[33]刘伍颖, 王挺. 基于词模型索引的短文本在线过滤方法. 华中科技大学学报, 38(4):42–45, 2010.
[34]Wuying Liu, Ting Wang. Index-based Online Text Classification for SMS Spam Filtering. Journal of Computers, 5(6):844–851, 2010.
[35]刘伍颖, 王挺. 适于垃圾文本流过滤的条件概率集成方法. 计算机科学与探索, 4(5):445–454. 2010.
[36]Wuying Liu, Ting Wang. Multi-Field Learning for Email Spam Filtering. The 33rd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR) Proceedings, P745–746. July 19-23, 2010, Geneva, Switzerland.
[37]赵修文, 刘伍颖, 王挺. 基于本体的医疗信息搜索技术. 计算机工程, 35(6):251–253, 2009.
[38]刘伍颖, 王挺. 基于多过滤器集成学习的在线垃圾邮件过滤. 中文信息学报, 22(1):67–73, 2008.
[39]刘伍颖, 卢宇彤, 沈志宇. 面向异构多域环境的全局资源调度研究与实现. 计算机工程与应用, 42(18):61–64, 2006.



[1]主持教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(20YJAZH069). 后深度学习时代低资源语言机器翻译理论与实践研究. 2020.
[2]主持广东省自然科学基金项目(2018A030313672). 21世纪海上丝绸之路低资源语言机器翻译研究. 2018.
[3]主持郑州市社会科学调研课题(2020SHKX160). 一带一路背景下郑州国际贸易翻译平台建设研究. 2020. (合格结项)
[4]主持广州市人文社科重点研究基地重点项目(2017-IC-02). 城市公共事件的舆情治理模型与决策支持系统研究. 2017. (合格结项)
[5]主持国家语委重点项目(ZDI135-26). 面向21世纪海上丝绸之路的稀缺语言资源建设及应用研究. 2016. (优秀结项)
[6]主持广东省教育厅高校特色创新项目(2015KTSCX035). 韩国语自动文摘关键技术研究. 2015. (合格结项)



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